Jun 14

6 Data Entry Jobs Every Business Should Outsource

Data is arguably the most important resource in today’s information age. 

Businesses use data from research, surveys, and studies to understand their target markets’ needs. They develop products and services based on the information gathered, extracting valuable insights for future improvements. 

Companies usually hire a data entry clerk to handle all these. Read on to know more about what they do – and how they can help you. 

What Does a Data Entry Clerk Do? 

A data entry clerk is an administrative professional who enters, updates, and maintains data in computer systems or databases. 

More than encoding, their primary task is to ensure data accuracy, integrity, and completeness. You can also rely on them to: 

  • Verify and correct data, making necessary corrections or updates; 
  • Organize data into structured formats, improving readability; 
  • Validate data, identifying and removing errors or duplicates; 
  • Process and analyze data, extracting meaningful insights; and 
  • Maintain data security, safeguarding data against misuse or unauthorized access. 

Outsourcing Data Entry Services 

Data entry can be confusing and time-consuming. 

Instead of spending hours typing endless information, many business owners delegate data entry jobs to professionals. These usually include: 

Data Cleansing and Validation 

A data entry clerk helps businesses detect and correct data errors and inconsistencies. 

They remove duplicates, correct typographical errors, and fill in missing data through estimation or imputation. 

Online Form Entry 

In most cases, data entry clerks also help store and process data gathered from online forms like surveys, applications, and registrations.

Once collected, the data are analyzed to extract insights, helping businesses make informed decisions and personalize user experiences. 

Product Data Entry for E-Commerce 

Data entry clerks also come in handy when you’re running online platforms or e-commerce sites. 

They add and update product listings, helping business owners manage product catalogs efficiently and without delay. 

Data Entry for Market Research 

Market research surveys require intensive data entry. It involves transcribing responses into spreadsheets, databases, or survey software platforms. 

By outsourcing data entry for market research, you can focus on analyzing research insights instead of entering raw data. 

Inventory Data Entry 

Businesses also outsource inventory data entry jobs because these take time without professional assistance. 

Data entry clerks help by collecting information about each inventory item including descriptions, product names, prices, quantities, suppliers, and other relevant details. Afterwards, they categorize and classify them accordingly.  

Thus, if you have thousands of products, it’s best to leave data entry and inventory to a data entry clerk

Customer Data Entry 

Managing customer databases is essential for providing personalized services. 

As such, business owners rely on data entry professionals to update customer profiles so that they stay up-to-date. 

This also involves data verification and cleansing, correcting errors and removing duplicate records. They also standardize data formats to maintain data quality. 


Outsourcing these data entry jobs free up businesses to focus on core activities. 

It also helps reduce operational costs and leverages the expertise of professional data experts. However, it’s essential to choose a reliable outsourcing partner. 

This is where Remote Staff comes in. Since 2007, it has been helping businesses find skilled remote workers from the Philippines – and we can help you find a data entry clerk too. 

Call us today or request a call back now. 

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Syrine is studying law while working as a content writer. When she’s not writing or studying, she engages in tutoring, events planning, and social media browsing. In 2021, she published her book, Stellar Thoughts.

About The Author

Syrine is studying law while working as a content writer. When she’s not writing or studying, she engages in tutoring, events planning, and social media browsing. In 2021, she published her book, Stellar Thoughts.

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