Real Estate Virtual Assistant

A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Your Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Are you just starting your real estate career? Or are you already an established professional in the field?
The real estate industry is lucrative, with so much to do in so little time.
If the long hours and heavy workload are overwhelming, it’s time to find a real estate virtual assistant.

What Is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

Like any other virtual assistant (VA), the real estate VA remotely provides administrative help.

However, as their title suggests, these VAs mainly support real estate agents and realtors.

Their expertise lies in real estate, allowing them to perform a broad range of tasks.

Having a real estate VA can make things easier for you. Here’s how.

Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

If you’re still on the fence, here are a couple of benefits you can reap from hiring a real estate VA.

They Can Simultaneously Help You Save Money and Generate Growth

A real estate VA is a more cost-effective alternative to hiring a full-time employee.

You no longer need to provide equipment because a VA already has their own. You also save on utilities and office space since a VA usually works from home.

VAs are remote contractors, so you don’t have to provide perks apart from their hourly wage.

All this allows you to allocate your resources more strategically.

However, how much you pay for a VA will vary. Several factors can also affect a VA’s hourly rate, like their work experience and location.

To give you an idea, Remote Staff has highly qualified VAs available starting at $8 per hour.

This way, someone else can take on clerical tasks while you, as an entrepreneur, can focus on critical functions to grow your business.

A Real Estate Virtual Assistant Can Also Save You Time

It’s not easy running a business because so much goes on behind the scenes.

As a business owner, there are only so many hours in your day that it’s impossible to do everything.

Of course, you can’t simply disregard administrative tasks since they are still necessary to your overall operations.

What you can do is hire someone to take care of these responsibilities. This is where a real estate VA comes in.

Furthermore, hiring a VA through a staffing agency—like Remote Staff—also saves time, effort, and resources. It saves you the trouble of having to go through the long recruitment and onboarding process.

Best of all, the virtual assistants from these staffing companies are already experienced and can start work almost immediately.

How To Use a Real Estate Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business

Virtual assistants play a crucial role in the real estate business.

You can delegate tasks like data entry, cold calling, and lead generation, thereby growing your company.

Time differences also offer a unique opportunity since this allows you to extend your operating hours, which gives you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Here’s a more detailed look at how hiring a real estate VA can expand your business:

Step 1:

Step 1:

Track the Time Spent on Tasks

Before recruiting a real estate assistant, take note of how long it takes to carry out their typical responsibilities.

This will give you an idea of how long each task takes to complete, setting up realistic expectations from your VA.

However, you can also use time-tracking software -or partner with a staffing solutions company that utilizes one.

With Remote Staff, you don’t have to worry about time-keeping because we employ a monitoring tool to ensure transparency between you and your remote contractor.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Evaluate Automated Solutions

See if your time management issues can be resolved by hiring a VA.

After all, there are tools that can help speed up internal business processes.

For instance, you can use a specific software to automate sending e-mails to hundreds of clients.

The only caveat is that you will still be overseeing these tasks yourself.

If that sounds like a lot, you’re better off simply listing down all of the tasks you need done and delegating them to a real estate VA.

Step 3:

Step: 3

Discern the Total Time Opportunity Cost

Still hesitant about hiring a VA?

Think about how much time a real estate VA can free up for you.

With the extra work hours, you can now fully dedicate your attention to making better business decisions and coming up with strategies.

Also, you might not have the right skills to perform a particular task.

You really can’t do it all—even if you are a CEO.

Thus, to save yourself the trouble, hire a professional who knows what they are

Step 4:

Step 4:

Step: 4 Imagine the Budget

Set aside an appropriate budget for recruiting a real estate VA.

As previously stated, outsourcing is more affordable than hiring an in-house staff.

But note that the more specialized your tasks are, the higher the VA’s rate.

After all, these VAs hone their skills for years, so, you would be paying for their experience.

Tapping a staffing agency, like Remote Staff, also means that you are putting a premium on convenience.

Still, having a VA can be worth the investment since a good one can save you hundreds of work hours while letting you grow your business.

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Services:
What Real Tasks Should You Assign to a Real Estate VA?

A real estate assistant can have an extensive skill set.

However, what they can do for you depends on what you need.

Thus, it’s best to discuss what specific tasks you require with your service provider. This gives them a better idea of how to determine the ideal candidate for the job.

But to give you further insights, here’s what a real estate VA can do:


At the top of the list is marketing.

Basically, it’s all about promoting your products and/or services to a target audience.

Here are just a few of the more specific marketing tasks that you can assign to your VA:

Listing Marketing Research Market Trends
Selling properties is no simple task. There are a lot of logistics involved behind the scenes.

You need someone to coordinate the proper staging, book the photographer, write the appropriate descriptions, and upload them online.

A real estate VA can prepare a thorough listing plan for you.

They can also organize all the moving parts so you can effectively put up a complete real estate listing at the end of the day.

Research Market Trends Market trends are ever-changing. Thus, you must stay up-to-date to keep up with the competition.

You can thus leave it to your real estate VA to evaluate market trends.

What neighborhoods are currently in demand? What is the average price for a property in that market?

Understanding these statistics can increase your business’s profitability.

You can also get a clearer picture of the supply and demand in your area.

In turn, you can better estimate a property’s value as well as when to buy and sell to maximize earnings.

Prepare Marketing Materials Create Email Campaigns
An effective marketing strategy requires well-made materials.

The range of marketing tools to choose from has only increased as technology advances.

Nowadays, real estate agents need to include aesthetically pleasing photos when marketing their listings online.

They also need to prepare infographics to package information in a visually striking manner.

Sometimes, they might even need someone to write content.

Finding professionals to perform these tasks individually can be time-consuming.

So, it’s better to hire a real estate VA with a background in creating marketing materials.

Outsourcing to a staffing agency, like Remote Staff, saves you time because they have a database of candidates waiting.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is vital to any business.

They give you valuable insights into your customers’ behavior, enabling you to improve your business processes to serve them better.

Email is one effective way to reach them: Your real estate VA can create newsletters and other email content.

They can also manage your email list and respond to your customers. Lastly, they can generate reports to track the reach and performance of the previous email campaign.

However, email campaigns are more of a long-term strategy. After all, you need to nurture your relationship with your customer base and prospects.

Still, email marketing is helpful because it enables you to identify warm leads and target them with more specific content.

Handle Social Media Posting Photo Editing
Social media is a powerful tool. It has become an integral part of marketing for any business.

Of course, you might have too many things on your plate as a business owner to handle your company’s online presence.

Thus, leave your social media management to your VA.

The right ones can boost engagement on your socmed pages and better connect with any customers online.

Subtle photo enhancement can make your business appear more professional – and your listings more appealing to potential buyers.

Thus, you can require your real estate assistant to have editing skills.

It doesn’t have to be anything extensive. As long as they can touch up the photos to make them look better, that should suffice.


At the top of the list is marketing.
Basically, it’s all about promoting your products and/or services to a target audience.
Here are just a few of the more specific marketing tasks that you can assign to your VA:

Listing Marketing

Selling properties is no simple task. There are a lot of logistics involved behind the scenes.

You need someone to coordinate the proper staging, book the photographer, write the appropriate descriptions, and upload them online.

A real estate VA can prepare a thorough listing plan for you.

They can also organize all the moving parts so you can effectively put up a complete real estate listing at the end of the day.

Research Market Trends

Market trends are ever-changing. Thus, you must stay up-to-date to keep up with the competition.

You can thus leave it to your real estate VA to evaluate market trends.

What neighborhoods are currently in demand? What is the average price for a property in that market?

Understanding these statistics can increase your business’s profitability.

You can also get a clearer picture of the supply and demand in your area.

In turn, you can better estimate a property’s value as well as when to buy and sell to maximize earnings.

Prepare Marketing Materials

An effective marketing strategy requires well-made materials.

The range of marketing tools to choose from has only increased as technology advances.

Nowadays, real estate agents need to include aesthetically pleasing photos when marketing their listings online.

They also need to prepare infographics to package information in a visually striking manner.

Sometimes, they might even need someone to write content.

Finding professionals to perform these tasks individually can be time-consuming.

So, it’s better to hire a real estate VA with a background in creating marketing materials.

Outsourcing to a staffing agency, like Remote Staff, saves you time because they have a database of candidates waiting.

Create Email Campaigns

Customer relationship management (CRM) is vital to any business.

They give you valuable insights into your customers’ behavior, enabling you to improve your business processes to serve them better.

Email is one effective way to reach them: Your real estate VA can create newsletters and other email content.

They can also manage your email list and respond to your customers.

Lastly, they can generate reports to track the reach and performance of the previous email campaign.

However, email campaigns are more of a long-term strategy. After all, you need to nurture your relationship with your customer base and prospects.

Still, email marketing is helpful because it enables you to identify warm leads and target them with more specific content.

Handle Social Media Posting

Social media is a powerful tool. It has become an integral part of marketing for any business.

Of course, you might have too many things on your plate as a business owner to handle your company’s online presence.

Thus, leave your social media management to your VA.

The right ones can boost engagement on your socmed pages and better connect with any customers online.

Photo Editing

Subtle photo enhancement can make your business appear more professional – and your listings more appealing to potential buyers.

Thus, you can require your real estate assistant to have editing skills.

It doesn’t have to be anything extensive. As long as they can touch up the photos to make them look better, that should suffice.


Apart from handling the marketing of a business, your real estate VA can also help out with your company’s daily operations.

To be more specific, here are a few tasks in the operations department that they can take on:

Solicit Reviews And Feedback From Clients Data Entry And Cleanup
Customer feedback is crucial because it provides insights for improving your product and the overall customer experience.

Implementing changes based on the responses can thus help you achieve your business goals faster.

Further, reviews add credibility, especially when they are overwhelmingly positive and are visibly displayed on your online pages.

Potential customers can see why others like your products/services, which can then build trust.

Companies may have accumulated hundreds (if not thousands) of documents over time.

Sometimes, these files may have errors or duplicates. A handful may even be corrupted.

Thus, a real estate VA can step in and clean up your company’s database or input new data and update existing records.

They can save you hundreds of working hours while helping you maintain all your important files.

Transaction Coordinator Customer Services
Real estate involves countless transactions and a ton of paperwork.

Your real estate VA can then act as a transaction coordinator and handle the administrative tasks whenever you acquire or sell a property.

They can prepare and finalize forms and additional permits, document pertinent information, and correspond with other real estate agents.

Transaction coordinators do not need a license, making it easier for your real estate VA to perform these clerical responsibilities.

Your real estate VA can serve as the point of contact between you and your customers.

They can answer any questions your clients may have, provide advice on property purchases, and manage expectations.

Thus, having a real estate VA who is excellent at customer service can build and strengthen the trust your clients have in you.

After all, maintaining a good relationship with your clients is critical for the success of your company.

Handling Your Bookkeeping Some Limited Transaction Management
Bookkeeping is inherent to any business.

However, real estate has nuances—such as escrow money, installment sales, recurring billing, etc.—that a general accountant (or even an executive assistant with a bookkeeping background) might find confusing.

Thus, a real estate VA may be of more help to you in this area

Almost everything is done online nowadays—even overseeing real estate dealings.

Thus, your real estate company must have a transaction management system, which your VA can use to easily track every transaction and ensure a smooth business operation overall.


Apart from handling the marketing of a business, your real estate VA can also help out with your company’s daily operations.
To be more specific, here are a few tasks in the operations department that they can take on:

Solicit Reviews And Feedback From Clients

Customer feedback is crucial because it provides insights for improving your product and the overall customer experience.

Implementing changes based on the responses can thus help you achieve your business goals faster.

Further, reviews add credibility, especially when they are overwhelmingly positive and are visibly displayed on your online pages.

Potential customers can see why others like your products/services, which can then build trust.

Data Entry And Cleanup

Companies may have accumulated hundreds (if not thousands) of documents over time.

Sometimes, these files may have errors or duplicates. A handful may even be corrupted.

Thus, a real estate VA can step in and clean up your company’s database or input new data and update existing records.

They can save you hundreds of working hours while helping you maintain all your important files.

Transaction Coordinator

Real estate involves countless transactions and a ton of paperwork.

Your real estate VA can then act as a transaction coordinator and handle the administrative tasks whenever you acquire or sell a property.

They can prepare and finalize forms and additional permits, document pertinent information, and correspond with other real estate agents.

Transaction coordinators do not need a license, making it easier for your real estate VA to perform these clerical responsibilities.

Customer Services

Your real estate VA can serve as the point of contact between you and your customers.

They can answer any questions your clients may have, provide advice on property purchases, and manage expectations.

Thus, having a real estate VA who is excellent at customer service can build and strengthen the trust your clients have in you.

After all, maintaining a good relationship with your clients is critical for the success of your company.

Handling Your Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is inherent to any business.

However, real estate has nuances—such as escrow money, installment sales, recurring billing, etc.—that a general accountant (or even an executive assistant with a bookkeeping background) might find confusing.

Thus, a real estate VA may be of more help to you in this area.

Some Limited Transaction Management

Almost everything is done online nowadays—even overseeing real estate dealings.

Thus, your real estate company must have a transaction management system, which your VA can use to easily track every transaction and ensure a smooth business operation overall.


Of course, your real estate VA can also handle sales-focused responsibilities:

Prospecting Services Lead Screening
Finding customers can be tough in real estate.

This is why real estate VAs need to have excellent prospecting skills to generate leads.

They must consistently reach out to potential clients via emails, cold calling, and other marketing efforts if your real estate company is to thrive.

The process does not stop at prospecting leads.

Your real estate VA should also have a critical eye since it’s crucial for screening prospects. This step helps you to determine whether or not they are ready to become purchasing clients.

If they aren’t, then you and your VA can come up with strategies to further nurture your leads until they buy a property from you.

CRM Management Data Reconciliation
Real estate professionals, such as yourself or your VA, would benefit from using a CRM software.

The right program can help you attract new customers, communicate with your current clients, and close deals.

Having it installed on both your desktop and mobile devices can make the information you need easily accessible to you at any time.

Accurate valuation is crucial in real estate.

However, it can be a lengthy process since you have to take estimates from various approaches before you can arrive at a final price.

If you are already swamped as it is, you can have your VA help you out.

Lead Nurturing
Lastly, building relationships with prospects is a process that takes a lot of time, effort, and patience.

You need to “nurture” a lead from the beginning (from when they visit your website) until you close the deal.

A VA who’s knowledgeable about lead nurturing can help streamline the process and keep prospects interested.

Further, they can keep a close eye on potential leads and keep the lines of communication open until an agreement is reached.


Of course, your real estate VA can also handle sales-focused responsibilities:

Prospecting Services

Finding customers can be tough in real estate.

This is why real estate VAs need to have excellentprospecting skills to generate leads.

They must consistently reach out to potential clients via emails, cold calling, and other marketing efforts if your real estate company is to thrive.

Lead Screening

The process does not stop at prospecting leads.

Your real estate VA should also have a critical eye since it’s crucial for screening prospects. This step helps you to determine whether or not they are ready to become purchasing clients.

If they aren’t, then you and your VA can come up with strategies to further nurture your leads until they buy a property from you.

CRM Management

Real estate professionals, such as yourself or your VA, would benefit from using a CRM software.

The right program can help you attract new customers, communicate with your current clients, and close deals.

Having it installed on both your desktop and mobile devices can make the information you need easily accessible to you at any time.

Data Reconciliation

Accurate valuation is crucial in real estate.

However, it can be a lengthy process since you have to take estimates from various approaches before you can arrive at a final price.

If you are already swamped as it is, you can have your VA help you out.

Lead Nurturing

Lastly, building relationships with prospects is a process that takes a lot of time, effort, and patience.

You need to “nurture” a lead from the beginning (from when they visit your website) until you close the deal.

A VA who’s knowledgeable about lead nurturing can help streamline the process and keep prospects interested.

Further, they can keep a close eye on potential leads and keep the lines of communication open until an agreement is reached.


Administrative tasks are operational and support activities that are essential but don’t really generate income.

These are important tasks, sure. But as a business owner, your time is better spent on your core activities like closing real estate deals.

Fortunately, you can delegate these tasks to your real estate VA. They can do the tasks of an administrative assistant as well.

There are a lot of tasks that your real estate VA can take off your plate. Here are some of them:


Executive Virtual Assistant Managing Your Calendar
Your real estate VA can act as your executive virtual assistant.

Aside from the usual admin tasks, an executive virtual assistant can also do more advanced things that may require a deep understanding of your business, like project management.

They can also act as a liaison between you and your clients, and help you develop strategies to achieve your business goals.

Most realtors have busy calendars.

Client meetings, networking events, marketing activities, property management, client follow-up, and so on. Not to mention your personal errands.

With these many activities, it might take hours to fix your calendar.

Luckily, your real estate VA can do that for you.

Helping With Scheduling Updating Your Website
How do you find time to schedule contacting all your leads and reserving your activities? Why not delegate those to your real estate VA?

Your real estate VA won’t just manage your calendar but can also help with scheduling by calling your leads for you.

Additionally, they can pre-qualify your leads and keep track of follow-ups so you can spend most of your time with high-potential customers.

Moreover, your real estate VA can handle making arrangements for dinner meetings and similar events as well.

Updating your online real estate listings can be challenging, especially if you’re marketing multiple properties.

How do you find time to post on your own website, social media, and other real estate platforms online?

Your real estate VA can take care of uploading new files, images, and captions for all your listings.

They can also schedule these posts to be published at the optimal times. This will help you maximize your reach and engagement with potential clients.

  Responding To (Some) Email
You might get a ton of emails per day. As much as possible, you should answer all your emails. But some messages aren’t worth your time.

Your real estate VA can answer your emails for you and screen the important and urgent ones you’re better off answering yourself.

This way, you can spend most of your time on the tasks that bring you closer to your business goals.


Administrative tasks are operational and support activities that are essential but don’t really generate income.
These are important tasks, sure. But as a business owner, your time is better spent on your core activities like closing real estate deals.
Fortunately, you can delegate these tasks to your real estate VA. They can do the tasks of an administrative assistant as well.
There are a lot of tasks that your real estate VA can take off your plate. Here are some of them:

Executive Virtual Assistant

Your real estate VA can act as your executive virtual assistant.

Aside from the usual admin tasks, an executive virtual assistant can also do more advanced things that may require a deep understanding of your business, like project management.

They can also act as a liaison between you and your clients, and help you develop strategies to achieve your business goals.

Managing Your Calendar

Most realtors have busy calendars.

Client meetings, networking events, marketing activities, property management, client follow-up, and so on. Not to mention your personal errands.

With these many activities, it might take hours to fix your calendar.

Luckily, your real estate VA can do that for you.

Helping With Scheduling

How do you find time to schedule contacting all your leads and reserving your activities? Why not delegate those to your real estate VA?

Your real estate VA won’t just manage your calendar but can also help with scheduling by calling your leads for you.

Additionally, they can pre-qualify your leads and keep track of follow-ups so you can spend most of your time with high-potential customers.

Moreover, your real estate VA can handle making arrangements for dinner meetings and similar events as well.

Updating Your Website

Updating your online real estate listings can be challenging, especially if you’re marketing multiple properties.

How do you find time to post on your own website, social media, and other real estate platforms online?

Your real estate VA can take care of uploading new files, images, and captions for all your listings.

They can also schedule these posts to be published at the optimal times. This will help you maximize your reach and engagement with potential clients.

Responding To (Some) Email

You might get a ton of emails per day. As much as possible, you should answer all your emails. But some messages aren’t worth your time.

Your real estate VA can answer your emails for you and screen the important and urgent ones you’re better off answering yourself.

This way, you can spend most of your time on the tasks that bring you closer to your business goals.


Sometimes, you might need help with miscellaneous tasks that might be too time-consuming.

You can also outsource these tasks to your real estate VA.

This will help you save time and energy for more important tasks, making you more productive and efficient.

Make Your Travel Plans

Are you planning to go on a trip soon?

Booking hotels, transfers, and activities can be troublesome.

But your real estate VA can book flights and hotels, make restaurant reservations, and address other travel needs.

They can even arrange for any necessary visas you may need. This way, you can have a worry-free trip.


Sometimes, you might need help with miscellaneous tasks that might be too time-consuming.

You can also outsource these tasks to your real estate VA.

This will help you save time and energy for more important tasks, making you more productive and efficient.


Make Your Travel Plans

Are you planning to go on a trip soon?

Booking hotels, transfers, and activities can be troublesome.

But your real estate VA can book flights and hotels, make restaurant reservations, and address other travel needs.

They can even arrange for any necessary visas you may need. This way, you can have a worry-free trip.

How To Manage A Real Estate Virtual Assistant

There are clear advantages when you hire real estate VAs, such as cost savings and access to global talent.

But managing a real estate VA comes with some challenges as well.

Thus, it’s important to set expectations, provide clear instructions, and set up effective communication channels, especially when you can’t supervise them in person. Thankfully, you can use a lot of tools to help manage your virtual assistants:

There are clear advantages when you hire real estate VAs, such as cost savings and access to global talent.

But managing a real estate VA comes with some challenges as well.

Thus, it’s important to set expectations, provide clear instructions, and set up effective communication channels, especially when you can’t supervise them in person.

Thankfully, you can use a lot of tools to help manage your virtual assistants:

Tools For General Collaboration

Tools For General Collaboration

Looking for general collaboration tools? Here are some that you may want to consider.

Google Workspace
This is an all-in-one productivity tool that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides and more.

It will enable your real estate VA to easily share and update documents, manage your email and calendar, and store your files in the cloud.

It also has Google Meet for video calls and virtual meetings between clients and staff.

Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 is another comprehensive productivity tool with well-known software like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and more.

These can also be used to share files, collaborate on documents, and attend online meetings through Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft 365 vs. Google Workspace
Both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 offer seamless collaboration with your real estate VA.

The difference is that the software under Microsoft 365 (Excel, Powerpoint, Word) has more features, formulas, and prompts compared to its Google Workspace (Sheets, Slides, Docs) counterparts.

On the other hand, Google Workspace is cloud-based, allowing real-time co-authoring of documents.

Microsoft 365 also offers this cloud-based setup through its OneDrive storage. But Google’s version is more user-friendly and familiar to most people.

Tools For Task And Project Management

Tools For Task And Project Management

Searching for software to help manage your real estate VA’s tasks? Here are some options:

Manage your real estate VA with Trello, a powerful project management tool.

Trello is based on a Kanban framework where you can create boards and lists to organize and assign tasks.

You can also involve other team members in Trello boards for easier collaboration as well.

Notion is another powerful project management tool where you can create databases, boards, documents, and more to organize and track projects.

It centralizes all your relevant information like store property details, client information, and more, allowing you to access it in real-time.
Another useful tool is, a cloud-based management platform to streamline your real estate VA’s tasks. includes task tracking, collaboration tools, customizable workflows, and real-time updates for each member’s to-dos.

Tools For Scheduling And Hosting Virtual Meetings

Tools For Scheduling And Hosting Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings are constantly on your agenda. Here are some options your real estate VAs can use to schedule client meetings.

Want to automate your scheduling? Calendly syncs with your calendar to open time slots that your prospects can use to book meetings instantly.

Additionally, it can be integrated with different platforms like Mailchimp and Slack for even more hassle-free bookings and communication.

This way, your real estate VA can handle all your customer bookings and follow-ups more efficiently.

Zoom is one of the best options for online appointments. You can schedule and organize meetings just by sending a Zoom link.

It has instant messaging, file-sharing, and screen sharing features so you can share presentations to your clients.

You can also integrate it into yours and your clients’ calendar and emails for ease of access.

Tools For Asset Management

Tools For Asset Management

When it comes to asset management, real estate VAs can use nifty software to store and organize your files. Here are some of your options:

Dropbox is a well-known cloud storage tool that your real estate VAs can use to store your files and documents.

It also allows for easy file sharing and keeps track of version history. Dropbox can also be integrated into Slack, Zoom, and more.

Google Drive
If you’re using Google Workspace, Google Drive is probably the best cloud storage for managing your digital assets.

Google Drive seamlessly integrates with Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail, Meets, and Calendar. And it can even sync with well-known productivity apps like Notion, Slack, and more.

Are you using Microsoft 365? OneDrive is the more economical cloud storage for you then.

Bundled with the Microsoft 365 subscription, it can store your files and documents in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Some external productivity apps also support the same integration.

Tools For Announcements And Internal Documentation

Tools For Announcements And Internal Documentation

Announcements and internal documentation are crucial for team transparency and keeping everyone informed.

But most realtors are too busy to do it. Fortunately, you can outsource this task to your real estate VA using the following tools:

Skype is a great tool to use for team communication and internal documentation. On top of real-time messages, it also has a file-sharing function for your documents.

Also, you can utilize the group function for town hall broadcasts and video call conferences for crucial announcements.

Moreover, Skype’s search function enables you to find past files and conversations.

Slack is an enterprise messaging tool that organizes messages into channels.

You can create various channels to compartmentalize team announcements and internal documentation. Slack also has a video conferencing tool for important meetings.

Lastly, the search feature lets you find files within a specific date range, sent by a person, or in a channel.

Workplace by Facebook
Did you know that you can also utilize Facebook for managing your business?

Workplace by Facebook connects your employees together by inviting their FB profiles into your virtual office.

It works pretty much like Facebook, but only the invited profiles can access your customized FB workplace URL. (For example,

You can schedule important announcements and posts, set events for planned gatherings and campaigns, and create groups for different departments.

It also features instant messaging alongside its file-sharing capabilities. It even has a directory of all your employees in your Workplace.

And if you need to locate files and conversations, Workplace by Facebook offers a search function for quick retrieval.

Best Practices When Hiring A Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Hiring the right real estate VA is easier said than done.

You can post openings on online job websites, for starters. But how do you find the right applicant for you? How many interviews do you need to do before you find the right candidate?

And if you do find one, how can you measure their performance?

For a lot of businesses, it’s better to tap the expertise of outsourcing agencies to save both time and money as opposed to doing everything themselves and inadvertently hiring the wrong VA.

Finding a reliable agency can make all the difference.

Established outsourcing agencies like Remote Staff, for instance, handle the recruitment and pooling of candidates, all from a roster of highly-qualified real estate virtual VAs. And if you need specific qualifications, Remote Staff can look for suitable candidates that match those too.

But what sets Remote Staff apart are the extra perks that most agencies don’t offer.

For one, Remote Staff implements a personality assessment test to better ensure that you and your chosen candidate will be a good fit in the long run.

Remote Staff also takes care of monitoring your real estate VA’s productivity through tracking software, free of charge.

Plus, we take care of all payroll matters to ensure that your staff receives their pay with the mandatory government benefits.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

Curious about how much a real estate assistant costs?

On average, the salary of an in-house, office-based real estate agent ranges from $31,662 to $40,395 annually. Hence, most SMEs can’t afford the extra expense.

That’s why it’s common to outsource a real estate VA. Their pricing of their average salary is around $265 to $1,060 per month.

These are the following factors that affect their monthly rates:

Types Of Virtual Assistant Work

There are a lot of tasks that a real estate VA can handle for you. But the more tasks you delegate, the higher you can expect to pay.

Tasks like listing properties, managing social media accounts, and conducting market research are all examples of tasks that a real estate VA can take care of, for instance.

Training Your Virtual Assistant

Sometimes, you need to train your real estate VAs to understand your workflow and to utilize your preferred software and tools effectively.

Equipping your real estate VA to be more productive can thus be an incidental cost.

Experienced Virtual Assistants

Another factor is experience and specialization. More experienced real estate VAs have higher hourly rates because they take them far less time to do their jobs.

Now, what if you need real estate VAs that specialize in the specific property laws of a state? Or maybe someone with digital marketing and graphic design skills?

These requirements are likely to result in a premium added to their hourly rates.

Location Is No Longer An Issue

Since your real estate VA works remotely, location is definitely not an issue. But take note that rates might differ depending on where they are located.

Most real estate VAs in developed countries tend to charge higher rates.

On the other hand, real estate VAs from PH are more affordable because the US dollar has an inherent forex advantage and the Philippines has a lower cost of living.

Part-time Virtual Assistant,Project-based, Or In-house

Lastly, you should consider whether you will hire an in-house, project-based, full-time, or part-time virtual assistant.

At first glance, an in-house virtual assistant might be the most cost-effective (especially if you contract them from developing countries) because you will not incur agency fees.

But remember, there will be incidental costs like productivity tracking software, banking fees for payroll, government benefits, and more. Additionally, if you hire the wrong talent, it’s harder to replace them with a suitable candidate.

Alternatively, project-based real estate VAs are perfect for seasonal needs.

But in most cases, a long-term part-time or full-time real estate VA is the best choice since they can be trained to understand your business and offer ongoing support.

The more well-versed they are with your processes, the more efficient and effective they can be at their jobs.

How Do You Hire A Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

Find the right real estate VA in just a few easy steps:

Discovery Call

Discovery Call

First, schedule a discovery call with us by clicking the “request a call back” button on our website.

In our discovery call, we will discuss your goals, challenges, and specific needs.

Afterwards, we will shortlist candidates who will be ready to work with you in just a few days.

Meet Your Assistant

Meet Your Assistant

In Remote Staff, you will not be assigned a random candidate.

Instead, you get to choose prospects from a shortlist we’ll generate for you based on your requirements.

And just in case you don’t find a match from the first shortlist, we can source new candidates for you.



Before they start working for you, we’ll be onboarding your chosen candidate to educate them on your company’s values, culture, and work ethics.

Then, we’ll teach them how to use our productivity tracker and your communication software of choice to ensure a smooth collaboration.

Get Your Virtual Assistant Today

Get Your Virtual Assistant Today

Hire your virtual assistant today to help streamline your workflow. They can take care of various tedious yet crucial tasks like setting up meetings, managing emails, organizing documents, and more.

In return, you can focus on core activities in your real estate business that drive real growth.

Start Delegating

Start Delegating

Start delegating your tasks to your real estate VA so you can leverage your skills and expertise to help grow your business in the long run.

Dedicated Support for Real Estate Professionals

Hire the best real estate VAs with Remote Staff to avail of dedicated support for your business.

Our real estate VAs are experienced in areas such as marketing, lead generation, customer service, and more.

All of our real estate VAs are also carefully vetted to ensure you get the highest quality service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still got questions before you hire a real estate VA? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked ones.

Where Are The Best Virtual Assistants Located?

The Philippines is considered to be one of the best countries to hire virtual assistants from. Filipino virtual assistants have excellent English language skills, are loyal, and have a strong work ethic.

Additionally, labor costs are more affordable in the Philippines, making it a cost-effective option for SME’s looking to hire virtual assistants.

What Skills Should I Look For In A Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

When choosing a real estate VA, here are some of the skills you should look for:

      • Real estate knowledge
      • Marketing skills
      • Organizational skills
      • Communication skills
      • Research Skills

Depending on your needs, you can also look for skill sets like lead gen, graphic design, and social media marketing.

Ready to streamline your operations and
grow your real estate business faster?

Ready to streamline your operations and grow your real estate business faster?